Mixed-Marriage Legal Services

Mixed-Marriage in Indonesia: Legal Services Package

Mixed-marriage in Indonesia is always full of legal complications. Mixed-couples should consider legal assiatance from the very beginning in order to avoid hassles down the line. It's down hill if you do. Our Indonesian law firm will assist you in related legal issues which might arise in your marriage, with the following services:

Prenuptial Agreement

  1. Providing necessary legal advice. Our Indonesian lawyer will provide necessary legal advice if the client wish to own property in Indonesia and expose the rights, oblligations, and legal constraints in owning property in Indonesia;
  2. Assisting client in drafting a prenuptial agreement. Our Indonesian lawyernwill assist client in collecting all the things to be included in the prenuptial agreement and complying them with related Indonesian laws on property and nationality;
  3. Legalized the prenuptial agreement with the marriage registry. One of our Indonesian lawyers will prepare and finalize the application of legalization of prenuptial agreement with the Civil Registry Office (Non-Moslem) or Office of Religious Affairs (Moslem);
  4. Record the Prenuptial Agreement with Indonesian district court. The Indonesia's 1974 Marriage Law stipulates that prenuptial agreement should be recorded at the Indonesian district court in order to take affect against any third party.
Marriage Registration or Overseas Marriage Legalization

Marriage Registration, if the marriage carried-out in Indonesia:

  1. Supporting documents advice. One of our Indonesian lawyer will provide client with all necessary advice regarding the collection of supporting documents for the marriage registration application;
  2. Registration form preparation. Our Indonesian lawyer will fill-out all registration form for client shortly after our Indonesian lawyer obtain client's biograhical information, as well as all the marriage registration instructions and other material contained in the registration packet forms;
  3. Contact with Civil Registry Office. All required telephone, mail, and fax contact with the civil registry office will be handled by our firm;
  4. Obtaining marriage certificates. Our Indonesian lawyer will obtain the marriage certificates upon the completion of the ceremony i.e. Marriage Certificate from Civil Registry Office, and Marriage Solemnization Certificate.

Marriage Legalization, if the marriage carried-out abroad:

  1. Supporting documents advice for obtaining Certificate of Singlehood. Our Indonesian lawyer will provide client with all necessary advice regarding the collection of supporting document for the civil registry application;
  2. Legalizing Certificate of Singlehood at related Indonesian government institutions. In order to be valid internationally, the certificate must be legalized by Department of Justice, and Department of Foreign Affairs;
  3. Translating the certificate with embassy's registered authorized-swon translator;
  4. Legalizing the certificate with relevant foreign embassy. In order to be accepted in the country where the marriage will take place, the certificate must be legalized by its embassy in Indonesia;
  5. Preparing and finalizing the applicationg for overseas marriage legalization. Upon receipt of copy of overseas marriage certificate duly legalized by Indonesian embassy, our Indonesian attorney will apply for overseas marriage legalization;
  6. Obtaining the Overseas Marriage Registration Certificate ("Surat Tanda Bukti Laporan Perkawinan Luar Negeri") from Civil Registry Office.

Residency in Indonesia

The foreign spouse is allowed to stay in Indonesia with the sponsorhip of the Indonesian spouse on a Limited Stay Permit/Temporary Stay Visa, approved by the Indonesian immigration office. This temporary resident visa is valid for a period of 12 (twelve) months with the possibility of extension subject to approval from the immigration authority.

  1. Immigration Application Review. Our Indonesian lawyer will review foreign spouse possibilities to achieve permanent residency and complying with related Indonesian immigration and nationality laws;
  2. Interview of Foreign Spouse. Our Indonesian legal consultant will coach and assist foreign spouse to verify that all information with the immigration application is accuracte and obtain all the biographical information required for the related immigaration application;
  3. Supporting documents advice. Our Indonesian lawyer will provide Client with all necessary advice regarding the collection of supporting documents for the immigration application;
  4. Immigration forms preparation. One of our Indonesian lawyers will fill-out all immigration forms for Client shortly after our Indonesian lawyer obtain all biographical information, as well as all the immigration instructions and other material contained in the immigration packet forms;
  5. Contact with Indonesian Immigration office. All required telephone, mail, and fax contact with the Indonesian immigration district office will be handled by our Indonesian lawyer. In extraordinary circumstances, our Indonesian lawyer may ask Client to voluntarily contact the immigration office to aid our office's efforts to expedite your case. Your voluntary agreement to undertake such contact will not be deemed as a failure by our Indonesian law firm to adhere to the terms of this agreement;
  6. Client up-dates. Our Indonesian lawyer will keep you closely of all significant developments in the progress of your case. We will initiate contact to advise you of the following events, among other: a) Our successful interview or contact with the foreign spouse to obtain all necessary biographical information, b) request by our office to immigration office for interview date the foreign spouse, c) interview date for the foreign spouse;
  7. Expedited Case Processing. Every reasonable effort will be made to expedite the case promptly and efficiently. However, that government bureaucracy errors and workload problems beyond our office's control can sometimes slow the processing of a case. Our Indonesian lawyer will, however, work proactively with the governmet agencies involved to minimized the impact on the case of any such government errors or delays.
Children Birth Certificate

The baby born outside of the marriage of mixed-couples is not entitled for parental relationship with the father. He/she only has civil law relationship with the mother. The name of the father is not showed on the birth certificate. Legal terms for the baby is out of wedlock child.

In order to put the foreign father's name on the birth certificate, you need legal assistance from the Indonesian attorney to legalized the baby. One of our Indonesian lawyers, will provide you with the following services:

  1. Providing necessary legal advice in order to legalized the baby and recognized by the Indonesian laws;
  2. Assiting the Client with every reasonable and legal efforts to change the birth certificate;
  3. Preparing and finalizing the application of the change of birth certificate to Civil Registry Office in Indonesia.
  4. Obtaining the new birth certificate with the father's name on it.

Our thanks to Asep A. Wijaya, Managing Director of Wijaya & Co for sharing this information with us!



The above is provided for informational purposes only and is NOT to be relied upon as legal advice. This information is not a substitute for the advice of an attorney and should not be construed as a solicitation. No attorney-client relationship is established by use of information found within this article nor in this website.

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